Compare current to proposed base and calendar application enrollments
Click and hold on the handle located in the center of the map. Drag the handle to the left to see the locations of the current assigned base school and calendar application schools as well as the current base attendance area. Drag the handle to the right to see the locations of the proposed base school and calendar application schools as well as the proposed base attendance area.
View the map legend
Click or tap on the legend icon in bottom-right corner of the map. This will open up a map legend describing each feature on the map based on their symbol.
What to do if the map does not show up
If you toggle to view the map and it does not appear, you may be using an outdated browser. Try to upgrade to a newer version of your browser:
- Edge 99 or later
- Firefox 100 or later
- Firefox 91 (ESR)
- iOS Safari 14 or later
- Safari 14 or later
- Chrome 99 or later
Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.